Working the sound board!

Throughout the first week of multimedia production, I became increasingly concerned with what this course would entail. I kept hearing things about cameras, sound boards, microphones, commercials and ten minute shows. I’m not sure what I expected, but to say that I was nervous, would be an understatement. Production is absolutely NOT my “thing”, I am insecure about being on camera and not exactly “tech savvy.” I have been absolutely dreading the day that we begin working with the equipment, however, during our last class, we were able to “play” with the sound board and it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, I actually enjoyed it.

We learned how to do things like; mic talent, turn on the sound board and computer, mute and unmute microphones and cue the end of the show by fading to black. After it was over, I realized that it’s not as difficult as I had imagined and I actually found it quite interesting. I never knew how how much multitasking went into something as simple as switching from one talent to another. I know that we have barely scratched the surface and I’m cautiously excited for what’s to come!

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